Andropause Symptoms Test & Assessment: Do I Have Male Menopause?
Andropause is a condition of low testosterone in men that usually begins to occur at about 40 years of age. Andropause is often misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all for several reasons. The primary reason is the severity and frequency of symptoms can vary dramatically from man to man. Many men also find it difficult to acknowledge there may be a problem by even talking about symptoms. Finally, healthcare providers often conclude symptoms are related to aging or a medical condition such as depression rather than to low testosterone.
Men’s Comprehensive At Home Saliva Test
Take our simple assessment to identify the most common symptoms of andropause and rate the severity of your symptoms. Simply check one box for each symptom in the assessment below. Then use our chart at the bottom of the questionnaire and discover the Action Steps that may be right for you:
Want to feel better? Here are our suggested action steps for supporting a healthy hormone balance.