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P-Shot for Stamina, Sensation, and Sexual Performance—Treating Erectile Dysfunction with Plasma

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P-Shot: Revolutionizing Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Currently about 10% of men aged 40-70 struggle with the inability to maintain an erection firm enough for sex.(1)

Physical Causes

There are many reasons a man may have erectile dysfunction serious enough to hamper his ability to engage in sexual intercourse.  Physical conditions such asprostate disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, andcardiovascular disease may interfere with healthy erectile function.  Certain medications may also cause ED, aswell as hormonal changes, and the natural course of aging.

Psychological Causes

Anxiety, stress, and depression can allcontribute to erectile dysfunction. Unresolved conflicts within the relationship can lead to sexual dysfunction as well.(3)

What Is The Priapus Shot?

The Priapus shot or P-Shot is a revolutionarynew treatment for erectile dysfunction in men. The shot involves injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from the patient,directly into the penis, where the body’s own cells help grow tissue and promoteblood flow.  Patients who undergo P-Shot treatment experience better sexual performance, greater stamina, increased sensation, and in many cases an increase in length and girth. 

PRPtherapy is viable for many conditions and situations including:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Lichen sclerosus
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • Penis enhancement
  • Sexual function, enhanced orgasm and sexual performance

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Platelet-rich plasma facilitates the woundhealing process and supports the body’s natural blood clotting mechanism.

Regenerative medicine involves the body’s own abilityto naturally heal itself.  Plasma is theliquid part of blood that carries platelets or blood cells necessary for growthand healing processes in the body.(6)

Growth factors are needed in woundhealing, chemotaxis (cell movement), cell proliferation, cell differentiationand angiogenesis (development of new blood vessels).

How Platelet-Rich Plasma Works

When platelets are activated, many typesof growth differentiation factors get released. Some of these help to facilitate nerve repair and regeneratetissue.  When erectile dysfunction iscaused by atrophy of smooth muscle this can lead to corporo-venous occlusiveerectile dysfunction even if arterial flow is normal.(8)

Some patients with erectile dysfunctionhave low-grade systemic inflammation due to metabolic syndrome.(2)

Emerging platelet derived therapies thataddress inflammation and promote cellular nerve and tissue regeneration arefound to be useful in treating patients.(8)

How Does The P-Shot Work?

The P-Shot utilizes platelet-rich plasmatherapy.  This has traditionally beenused for patients who are recovering from muscle and joint injuries, as well asfor the treatment of other chronic health conditions.

TheP-Shot may work by allowing increased blood flow to the penis and by repairingtissue or cells.  New neural pathways mayalso be created by reinforced positive experience.

Are There Side Effects To The P-Shot?

Mostmen tolerate the P-Shot very well and only experience mild side effects if any.

Mildeffects of the P-Shot include swelling, redness, and bruising at the site ofthe injection.  These may only last fourto six days, however.

Rare complicationscan occur including infection, scarring, and cold sore outbreaks (if there is ahistory of the herpes simplex virus).

What To Expect During My P-Shot Procedure

  • P-Shot treatment will take place at a doctor’s office, outpatient clinic or treatmentcenter.  There, a physician specificallycertified to perform P-Shot therapy will apply a numbing ointment to thegenital area. 
  • The physician will then take a small blood sample from the arm.
  • The blood will be placed into a centrifuge to separate and isolate theplatelet-rich plasma (PRP).
  • The PRP is injected into the penis in 4 or 5 separate injections.
  • A penis pump will be provided for the patient to take home.  The patient will be instructed to use it for 10 minutes per day over a period of a few weeks.  This will help facilitate blood draw into thepenis to ensure the P-Shot is working.

How Soon Does The P-Shot Take Effect?

Some patients respond within 24 hours and getlong lasting results with only a single treatment.  Typically however, most patients will needthree to six treatments over the course of a few months.  The peak of optimal response will occur afterabout two months.

How Will I Feel After My Appointment?

Youmay experience mild discomfort or bruising around the injection site, butshould be able to resume normal activity the next day.  Most doctors recommend abstaining from sexualintercourse for a few days and refraining from any heavy lifting or intense physicalexercise directly following the procedure.

Is P-Shot The Only Option For ED?

There are several therapies used totreat erectile dysfunction in men depending on the seriousness and frequency of ED symptoms.

Non-invasive First line treatments include:

  • Lifestyle changes
  • Oral medications
  • Vacuum erectile devices
  • Intraurethral suppositories
  • Invasive Treatments include:
  • Shockwave therapy
  • External prosthetic devices
  • Platelet-rich plasma injections(4)

How Well Does Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy Work?

In 6 month, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlledclinical trials, 69% of patients treated with PRP injections for erectile dysfunctionsaw significant improvement for ED compared to only 27% in the placebo group.(7)

How Safe Are PRP Injections?

Injections of platelet-rich plasma arenot new and have been used for many years for angiogenesis (blood vesseldevelopment) and wound healing.  PRP hasbeen safely and effectively used to treat a number of urological conditionsincluding erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease and stress urinaryincontinence (SUI).  Its therapeutic usefor P-Shot application is well founded.


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